Hiveminder on Jabber

Many of us are enjoying our IM interface (I sure am!). Unfortunately, it has been AIM only. The most popular request for the IM bot has been "give us Jabber!". Today we've finally convinced HM Tasks to join the Jabbering ranks.

It takes only a few moments to set up your account for IM. On Jabber (and Google Talk) he is On AIM he is HMTasks.

After linking your Hiveminder account with your IM account, start out by sending todo.

We're also still adding new features to IM. If you're not using aliases yet, you're missing out. Aliases let you create your own shortcuts. For example, you can set up an alias h to expand to create [homework] [due tomorrow]. You can then type h read chapter 4 and it will do what you'd expect.

Our newest IM feature is filter. Filters let you focus on what needs to get done. For example, you can filter for "tag @work" and you'll only see tasks tagged with @work. Any new tasks will also get the @work tag. Using filters you can finally work with group tasks sanely on IM -- just filter group Spelling Bee Champions.


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